First Regulation Of the Civil Service Law First Regulation for Administration of the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service (11 April 1933). Source : Reichsgesetzblatt 1933, p. 195. A. Margaliot, The Development of Nazi Anti-Semitism... Student Resource Book, (Hebrew University 1971), p. 63-64. On the basis of Article 17 of the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service of 7 April 1933 (RGB1 I, 175) the following regulation is issued: To Article 2: All civil servants who belong to the communist party or communist aid or front organisations are unfit. They are therefore to be dismissed. To Article 3: A person is to be regarded as non-Aryan if he or she is descended from non-Aryan - especially Jewish - parents or grandparents. This holds true even if only one parent or grandparent is of non-Aryan descent. This premise obtains in particular in the event one parent or grandparent was of the Jewish faith. If a civil servant was not already employed as a civil servant on 1 August 1914, he must prove that he is of Aryan descent or that he fought at the front, or that he is the son or the father of a man killed during the World War. Proof must be provided by submitting documents (birth and marriage certificates of the parents, military papers). If Aryan descent is in doubt, an opinion must be obtained from the expert on racial research commissioned by the Reich Minister of the Interior. To Article 4: In determining whether the suppositions of Article 4, sentence (1) are given to the entire political career of the official, one must consider it in particular from 9 November 1918 and on. Every official is required on request to attest to the highest Reich or State authority (Article 7) the political party of which he has been a member until the present. Political parties included in this definition include the Reichsbanner Black-Red-Gold, the Republican Judges' Union and the League for the Rights of Man. All negotiations, documents and official certificates, which are required for the fulfilment of this law are free of duty and stamping charges. Berlin, 11 April 1933 Reich Minister of the Interior Frick Reich Minister of Finance Count Schwerin von Krosigk